Inaugural Post

So, I’m DeLa Doll. That’s obviously not my real name (which is much less interesting and still doesn’t look particularly appealing on a resume). Anyway, I’m a 23-year old girl who likes to cosplay, along with that all that entails (torture myself with DIY and sewing projects, crowd my space with props and wigs, you get the idea). I’m also really into a lot of nerd/pop-culture shit, so there’s that too. I have a cosplay oriented Tumblr blog, but if we’re being honest – and I’m nothing if not painfully honest- Tumblr is more ideal for pictures and short little blips, not, you know, actual writing that exceeds a full paragraph. With that in mind, I figured it’d be best to set up a WordPress blog on which to publish my written thoughts, tutorials, and all that jazz. It’s official and I’m a grown up with a grown up blog now. Fucking sweet.

~DeLa Doll


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