DeLa Doll's Official Website Blog

I’m DeLa Doll, and this is my blog! I’m a published writer, cosplayer, makeup artist, and freelance artist. Basically…I do a lot of artsy, creative things for both work and play. You can check out my writing portfolio page to see my work on other websites and publications, browse my blog for things I publish here, and poke around for cosplay tutorials, random musings, and other nerdy artistic things! 

Recent Musings


Is Chucky a Queer Ally?

Warning: Spoilers ahead! Do not proceed if you are not caught up on episodes 1, 2, and 3 of Syfy’s Chucky tv series. Don Mancini’s Chucky tv series has recently generated a considerable amount...


Confessions of an Impatient Writer

I’m not an impatient person in that I am reasonable about waiting for most things. I don’t lower the tip when my delivery driver is late with my Uber Eats order. It takes a...