DeLa Doll's Official Website Blog

I’m DeLa Doll, and this is my blog! I’m a published writer, cosplayer, makeup artist, and freelance artist. Basically…I do a lot of artsy, creative things for both work and play. You can check out my writing portfolio page to see my work on other websites and publications, browse my blog for things I publish here, and poke around for cosplay tutorials, random musings, and other nerdy artistic things! 

Recent Musings


PSA: Nerds Are Not Oppressed

Dear fellow nerds, Please understand that we are not an oppressed group. There are no institutional or societal systems stacked against us all because we happen to like cartoons and games and fantasy settings...


RE: CosModel Drama Has to Stop

So there’s an article going around and I’m going to come right out and say that I hate nearly everything about it. It is entitled “CosModel Drama Has to Stop” I won’t be linking...