DeLa Doll's Official Website Blog

I’m DeLa Doll, and this is my blog! I’m a published writer, cosplayer, makeup artist, and freelance artist. Basically…I do a lot of artsy, creative things for both work and play. You can check out my writing portfolio page to see my work on other websites and publications, browse my blog for things I publish here, and poke around for cosplay tutorials, random musings, and other nerdy artistic things! 

Recent Musings


10 Black Cosplayers I Love

Title is self explanatory. As a black cosplayer, I’ve experienced some backlash over my choice to sometimes cosplay characters who don’t share my racial background or color. Luckily, seeing other pigmented peeps make some amazing...


Who Should You Cosplay?

Short answer Whoever the fuck you want. Seriously! It’s that simple. There are no rules. Cosplay a character whose design you love. Cosplay a character whose story you love. Cosplay a character you just...