I know it's trendy and super cool to have a page dedicated to your copslay, be it on Tumblr, Facebook, Instagram, or other social media networks. I get it. I…
Short answer Whoever the fuck you want. Seriously! It's that simple. There are no rules. Cosplay a character whose design you love. Cosplay a character whose story you love. Cosplay…
It's like there's a sudden rash of sexist fuckboys in my little corner of the cosplay community. Over the past week or so, I've been met with some sexist bullshit…
Dear fellow nerds, Please understand that we are not an oppressed group. There are no institutional or societal systems stacked against us all because we happen to like cartoons and…
I don't know if you've heard, but there's going to be yet another set of big box office Spider-Man flicks. We were caught in a web of entertainment with Toby…