I’m a Pervert and Other News

The Other News

I haven’t written in a while.

It was 3am. Why was I awake? Doesn’t matter.

Shame on me, but I’m here to make up for lost time! In between playing Pokemon Go and counting down the time until the Suicide Squad Premiere, I recently ventured into the creation of my own Patreon account, but I think it needs some work. I don’t wanna offer the same things every other cosplayer/writer is offering, you know? So I gotta revamp that whole thing, and I welcome suggestions. I also finally started my Youtube channel and webseries, which I’m pretty hype about. As an apology for my absence, here’s a pic of me in some Harley Quinn. It was my first time attempting her makeup. Not bad, I think. Moving on…

About Me Being a Pervert

I don’t know if y’all knew this already, but in case you were unaware, I’m pretty in tune with my sexuality. I am a strong supporter of the sex positive movement, and I believe in safe, consensual sexual expression. Do what you do as long as its not harmful to yourself or others. With that in mind, I watch porn. I watch porn pretty frequently. Not every day, but I’ve seen my fair share. I watch all sorts of porn! I’m not of the belief that porn should be abolished, but rather, I’d like to see more safe behaviors, diversity, and body positivity in adult entertainment (which is a deeper discussion for another time, really).

Pretty sure this is the Pig King…or Queen? Idk. There were no subtitles and I don’t speak Japanese, but you don’t need subtitles to see the tongue game is strong af.

I’ve said all this to say that I’m going to start doing hentai reviews on my blog and Youtube channel, so don’t be surprised when you get an email notification and then you open it up and I’m talking about how the Pig King at the priest’s booty like groceries in Secret Journey, ok?

Additional Other News

Gonna try my hand at doing some self shoots and whatnot so I can stop having selfie arm in my cosplay pics. My first attempt was with my Misty shoot, which was a lot of fun, so we’ll see how future shoots go!

One of my favorite pics from my Misty shoot. Inb4 “But Misty didn’t have an Eevee”; this one does. Deal with it ^_^

That’s about it for now, peeps. Expect a moderate fuck ton of content from me in the upcoming weeks, and please flood me with suggestions for content you’d like to see reviewed and discussed! In the meantime, I’ll be making shit and trying to get my lineup and everything figured out for DragonCon!

~DeLa Doll


  1. a friend of mine does hentai reviews as well, and even thought its never been my thing i love her work, so i’m looking forward to what you’ve got in store.

  2. Wow, not many women are as open about sexual stuff let alone admit it. It’s refreshing 😀 I look forward to the hentai reviews, something tells me it’ll be hot and funny. BTW nice pics, loving the cosplay.

    • DeLa Doll

      Thanks 😀 personally, I’ve found that many people are willing to talk about sexuality in the right setting…but J may just have a certain effect on people that makes them feel comfortable to discuss it lol

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